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 People aged

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Male Number of posts : 657
Registration date : 2011-01-31

People aged Empty
PostSubject: People aged   People aged Icon_minitimeFri Apr 29, 2011 2:39 am

People aged between 25 and 44 represent the majority of Navenby residents, with 451 recorded in 2001.[29] This is closely followed by people aged 45–64 (442) and children aged 5–15 (221). Children aged under 4 (69) and people aged 16–24 (115) are in the minority. Almost 200 people (190) over the age of 75 were living in Navenby in 2001. The mean age of Navenby's population is 43.5 and the median age is 43.5. In 1851, 136 babies in every 1,000 died in their first year. This figure dropped to 107 per 1,000 in 1911 and three per 1,000 by 2001.[29]
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